Theatres des Vampires Theatres des Vampires - Suicide Vampire

Senti raspar fra le macerie e i brochi la derelitta
Cagna ramingando su le fosse e famelica ululando
E uscir del teschio, ove fuggia la luna
L'upupa, e svolazzar su per le croci
Sparse per la funerea campagna e l'immonda accusar
Con luttuoso singulto i rai di che son pie le stelle
Obbliate sepolture
Dei sepolcri (U. Foscolo)

Ave verum corpus natum
Esto nobis Pregustatum

A dismal journey in the valley of death
A dismal journey in my mind
A day I make a promise to you
A promise of immortality
Other visions, another life without pain

Ave verum corpus natum
Esto nobis Pregustatum
(Suicide, suicide)

(A day I make a promise to you)
(A promise of immortality)
(Other visions, another life without pain)
(What's the price of this life?)
(To see people die under my eyes)
(Brides, children, friends)
(Suicide, vampire)

Just tell you can give me
More blood will be spilt why?
Immortality buyed with other lifes
Other eyes to see, other ears to hear what?

Ave verum corpus natum
Esto nobis Pregustatum
(Suicide, suicide)

A dismal journey in the valley of death, of death
A dismal journey in my mind, suicide vampire

Suicide, vampire
Suicide, vampire
This is the choice, this is the choice
Suicide, vampire
Suicide, vampire